Archisys Connection #18

Contemporary Coastal Craftsman Facelift included: Don’t you just love before and after images like these! It’s what design-build is all about, inspiring make-overs which are aesthetically pleasing as well as highly functional. For this particular project, the change in appearance …

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Archisys Connection #17

Personalized Family Affair: “I like having so many choices,” remarked one of our recent clients. She was speaking of the many digital design options that we present for consideration to choose or to mix and match features. Shown here are …

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Archisys Connection #15

CO-WORK SPACES We are enthusiastic and inspired! It is common knowledge that church structures in L.A. are deteriorating under the weight of low membership, neglected because of lack of funds. But there are possible solutions arising which could produce future …

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Archisys Connection #12

AGING CHURCHES So they won’t be torn down! During the 1950’s and 60’s, there was a significant rise in the number of churches built in America. Interestingly, when designing these mid century modern structures, architects didn’t have to design to …

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